Yesterday was the big day! All my labs came back normal, the ultrasound went well and my 24 hour urine was slightly elevated but not enough to keep me in the hospital. So around noon my wonderful husband picked me up and we were homebound! We stopped for lunch and made it home by 2ish. I WAS EXHAUSTED!!! I couldn't believe how much a car ride and going out to lunch would wipe me out! I got home and took a 5 hour nap and went to bed around midnight and slept for another 12 hours! I felt ridiculous, but it just drained everything out of me!
I'm still not happy to have gone home, I talked to the doctors but they assured me I will still be closely monitored and if anything comes up I can always be readmitted. I had a really hard first night having to make Jim do everything for me, being scared for me and the babies, and just everything going on with moving and everything, which ended in me sobbing for a long time. It hasn't been much easier today but Jim's family stopped by to pick up our couch which his brother is taking to college with him which made for a nice distraction. (I'm SO happy to be rid of that awful thing! There are some bright parts today!) Other than that just laying in bed watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. I've decided when I finish that I will watch Bones and by time I finish that hopefully the babies will be here! Need something to pass the time!
As for my follow up... I will be having an ultrasound twice a week at either Fairview Ridges or the U of M Amplatz Children's (which is where I was admitted). I will be doing a growth scan every 2 weeks, starting with this Wednesday. Then I have a weekly appointment with a doctor in Princeton. Not either of the doctors I have been seeing so far in Princeton which makes me a little sad but they are family practitioners and they want me to see an OB. He will be in charge of monitoring my blood pressure. I'm excited for my growth scan this week because it is with Dr. Prosen that was my doctor the first week I was admitted and whom was very adamant that I would be admitted til birth so I'm curious to get her opinion now that I've been discharged by a different doctor. As horrible as it sounds I kind of have my fingers crossed to be readmitted. I felt like there was a lot of pressure during my ultrasound on Friday to get good dopplers for Baby B. The tech kept getting readings and would say that's not a good one I better try again. I almost feel like they were faked and that is definitely not the way someone wants to go home.
I guess that's the news. Not much, and I'm a little bit of a debbie downer, but that's just where I'm at right now. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! God bless!
Love- Heather, Jim, Anabell, and Isabell
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