We had a growth ultrasound today that went pretty well! The only real complication was that Baby B is still significantly smaller than Baby A. Baby A weighs 1lb. 7oz. and Baby B only weighs 14oz. The good side though is we are pretty sure there isn't Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome going on at this time at least. Their amniotic fluid levels are evening out even more today, which is fantastic! Baby B has more fluid than she has had yet, measuring at 5.1cm, a significant gain from yesterday even! Baby A's fluid level was at 6.7cm, so similar to yesterday but still great!
Both their dopplers came back normal for the day too! The longer we are here the more I'm starting to ask questions and understand some of the measurements they do... So for those that don't know, Doppler measurements measure the blood flow in their umbilical chords, an artery in their chest that is actually connected to their umbilical chord and liver, (I think, I asked 2 people and got 2 slightly different responses to that one) and an artery in their brain. The umbilical chord is to measure the blood flow from baby to placenta, the chest is checking the blood flow to their hearts and liver, and the one in the brain is to measure for anemia, and a syndrome found in twins called TOPS. (Haven't looked that one up yet, so I will get back to you later on that!)
Last but not least, as mentioned before Baby A has started breathing and is consistently getting an 8/8 on her biophysical profile, which they don't usually start looking for until 30 weeks, but today they caught Baby B breathing too! So another 8/8 perfect little girls! The Biophysical Profile measures fetal body movements, fetal tone, fetal breathing movements, and amniotic fluid level for a possible score of 2 on each, which they are getting! I feel like this just became an Olympic event they are getting judged on! lol! Can you tell what I've been watching with all my down time?!
So for now our course of action is to continue hospitalized bed rest, dopplers every morning, a couple times a week lab work to check my kidneys and liver and probably weekly 24 hour urine collections to monitor the preeclampsia. I am totally ok with all the above, I was actually nervous after our ultrasound seemed to go so well they would send me home, but I feel good being here, seeing improvements, and knowing my babies are improving. I'm scared to go home and I was glad to hear that probably isn't an option still. The perinatologist, Dr. Prosen, whom has been monitoring my care seemed very hopeful today and said she even scheduled me for another growth scan in 2 weeks, thinking there is a decent chance I could make that!! I'm ecstatic after a couple days ago we didn't even think I would make it to today!
I did have a small scare last night, but I think it was more just me overreacting, but they are monitoring all my fluid intake and output and I was very concerned I hadn't put out nearly enough after all I had put in yesterday. Then last night around 2am the nurse came in asking where my sheet was so she could get it all entered in, which totally freaked me out! So far they haven't woken me up in the middle of the night and I instantly started to panic. Then she continued to check my blood pressure and ask questions and all I could think was this would have waited til morning unless there was a problem. Well 6:30am rolls around and she comes back to do the normal morning checks and puts me on a monitor for the babies heartbeats and see if there are any contractions and leaves. (This is somewhat normal, they usually get it all hooked up and I don't see them for 45 minutes because the babies move around so much you can't get good reads on them unless they are on forever) But after an hour my regular day nurse I've started to really enjoy shows up and goes "really?! she left you on?!" got everything off me and I told her bout my concerns last night. She looked at it and reassured me it was all good. But she was so mad at the weirdo from last night! I have a couple regular nurses I enjoy but they like to throw in a mix up and they never know whats going on and its frustrating.
So that was our day! Overall very good news and we will sleep assured our prayers are still being answered! Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts and prayers, we would be nowhere without them right now!
-Lots of love- Heather, Jim, Anabell, and Isabell
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