I have fallen WAY behind on here, sorry! Last Wednesday I had a growth ultrasound at the U of M. Baby A weighed 1lb 13oz and was exactly 25 weeks 5 days, which is where we are. She is starting to fall behind, she was always a week ahead, but the doctors didn't seem to concerned at this point. Baby B weighed 1lb 4oz. and is still about a week and a half behind. But she closed the gap a little, their percentage of weigh difference went down which the doctor said is very rare at this point. So that's great news! All their dopplers were normal and things looked pretty good!
Friday we had a doppler ultrasound at Fairview Ridges which didn't go as well. Baby A decided to have abnormal dopplers now. The ultrasound tech kept apologizing because she was pretty sure Baby A was laying on her umbilical chord or something goofy, not anything serious. But she had to report it to the doctor who kindly readmitted us to the U of M Children's Amplatz again! :s
I also had another 24 hour urine collection Thursday and dropped it off Friday on my way to Ridges. It came back better than it's been! My first 2 were at 0.5 and the last one while I was in the hospital was 0.7. Friday's was 0.4! Remember preeclampsia range is 0.3-5.0 so we are almost out of the preeclampsia range completely! Very exciting!
When I was readmitted to the hospital I went straight to the nurse's desk in the antepartum unit where there was a nurse, Carol, that I only had one time but immediately recognized me. She asked what I was doing there and I told her I needed to check in and this annoying resident doctor that was sitting there said she knew nothing about it. Duh, the doctor at Ridges said he talked to Dr. Prosen! Then she got all snippy and Carol was like we are full so I will just take you to labor and delivery, they would know where you belong! I was like oh thank you! Then when we got to labor and delivery she said Heather Enyart is here to check in and I was kinda shocked that I only had her once, a week and a half before, and she totally remembered who I was! I ended up stuck in labor and delivery until Saturday night, in a bed that was literally like a foot and a half too short for me and uncomfortable as can be! It was horrible! I never thought me at 5ft 2 3/4in would be too short for ANY bed! lol!
The nurses in labor and delivery pushed me over the top right off the bat! For whatever reason my least favorite part of being in the hospital is they hook me up to these baby monitors for an hour at a time to monitor their heartbeats. When I was here before, of that hour, they were looking for 10-20 minutes of the babies actually being on the monitors. They are still pretty small and like to kick and hide so its next to impossible to get them any longer. Well labor and delivery nurses put you on for an hour but actually want an hour of them on the monitors!! So the first time they hooked me up it took 3 hours! The nurse kept finding the baby then she would kick but come back on, but when she kicked the nurse thought she hadn't found her and moved the monitor thing, so it took her half an hour just to find them each time! She was an idiot! Finally I took the monitors and found them myself! After the first hour I was so pissed I made her take it off. Then she found the snippy resident doctor who said we needed 10 more minutes! Grr! So she comes back and can't find the babies at all again and calls in another doctor to find them on the ultrasound. As soon as the doctor leaves the nurse lost them again! After an hour, I made her take it off again before I smacked her. Then she had the nerve to come back and say we still needed more time!!! I was so mad, I text Jim and told him he better get there before I walked out and kicked some butt on the way!! Finally after the 3 hours the nurse got the hint she better not come back!! Not to mention when I was here last time if they knew I just had an ultrasound, or had one coming up they weren't too concerned about keeping them on there because obviously they had 2 separate heartbeats, but not over there!
It's nice being back in the antepartum unit! But it's crazy how much has changed! Rumor has it that the triplets mom had her babies and they are doing well! I'm not positive but I don't think they could have been over 30 weeks so I'm happy for her things are going well! I miss my old room, it was twice as big, but this room has a bathtub, so its a win some lose some situation. At first I was thinking I am in the other identical twins with doppler problems room, but now that I think about it I think I am in one of the singletons old room. I'm kinda excited to go to group on Wednesday and see who else has come and gone! It's funny how much I didn't want to leave, but now that I'm back you remember all things that were horrible! There is no sleeping past 6am, but then I don't usually get breakfast til 9 or later and by time that rolls around I'm so sick from not eating that long! Plus they always try to give me my blood pressure meds at 8am but I can't eat them on an empty stomach! Then there is the stool softeners! TMI again, but I was pretty good at refusing it last time I was here because I would get stuck spending the day in the bathroom feeling miserable! Well they give it in the morning and night with my blood pressure meds and this time they don't ever ask and next thing I know I just took the stupid pill! Sure enough, stuck in the bathroom! Grr! Ick! :s
On to today... I had my ultrasound in the clinic and guess who wants to be abnormal now?! Back to Baby B! She has been good for a week and a half and NOW she wants to abnormal! Silly baby! Baby A has been normal since the Friday ultrasound of course! So frustrating! The doctor said not any worse than before though, so everything is stable. I got some cool new pictures today! It was nice to have something besides face pictures actually! After watching the dopplers for the last 3 weeks the tech actually gave me a picture of Baby B's abnormal doppler reading. I will try and get them loaded on here later this week. Also they have this thing that kind of senses heat I guess and turns areas red/blue/sometimes yellow. Well she turned it on over their faces and you could see them breathing the amniotic fluid! It was so crazy! Baby A's was blue and Baby B's was red, so she is now our fire breathing dragon instead of our little boxer! It was really cool! She printed the pictures of it for me too, but you don't see the red or blue just a white spot but still really neat! I kinda get into all this stuff after seeing it so many times, sometimes you want some of those other pictures! They did give me a 2nd round of steroid shots starting yesterday and the last dose today. I haven't had a chance to look into it much yet, but I thought originally they could only do 2 rounds, the first one, then if we made it further they could do an emergency dose right before I delivered. But I'm still not delivering anytime soon! When I asked Dr. Prosen she said they just aren't effective after 4 doses, so if I make it to 30 weeks they would probably do another dose. (I'm 26 weeks 1 day today) Plus even though the first dose seemed to work there is no way of knowing for sure if they have the surfactant in their lungs that the steroids interact with to develop the lungs, but it is supposed to be there for sure by 25-26 weeks. Other than that, my blood pressure has actually been better than ever since we were readmitted. I got a kick out of the first one they did when I came in was like 112/55 which is pretty much the lowest it has ever been! Overall we have dropped down to 120-130/50-60s. Nice to see after I was so concerned when I left that I was in the 140-160/50-70s. I laughed though because normal people during their second trimester their blood pressure is supposed to drop and around 26 weeks its supposed to go back up again. Well I've been the complete opposite!
Apparently I'm being talked about by everyone again but better terms than my naughty babies now! Everyone is so impressed that I'm so knowledgeable about what's going on. That half the time I find the babies on the monitors before the nurses do and can keep them on there when they leave the room! That was my big compliment of the morning! The ultrasound tech said the same thing because I noticed the gaps in Baby B before she was even going to say anything to me. She went wow, you already know how to read these huh? I like being informed, it makes things easier if you know everything you can know. Plus you don't have to wait around for someone to talk to you if you know what you're looking for already. Even Dr. Rauk who is my doctor this week wasn't really saying anything about Baby B's dopplers until I brought it up then he kind of stumbled and said well it wasn't any worse things are all stable. Plus there isn't a lot to do beyond looking up Dr. Google and asking a million questions! I appreciate nobody minds answering all my questions though. I don't want to be annoying either. I try to be a good little patient and the only thing I really ask for is water when Jim isn't here! Then I make him do it! Haha!
Anyways, the nurse just came in and is going to hook me up to the monitors soon. So gotta get in the mindset for that so I don't blow my top! You would think it would be reassuring to hear their heartbeats and know they are there and well, but after 2 minutes of laying of my back it's killing me and starts to make me sick. Plus they put the straps on so tight to try to stop them from moving it makes me sick too. Grr!
Hope everyone has enjoyed their Monday! I hope we are still in everyone's prayers, at least occasionally! I figured out today I have 97 days until 40 weeks so I started another countdown. And I want to get as close to that as possible and obviously every prayer works wonders! Thanks! God bless!
Love- Heather, Jim, Anabell and Isabell
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