Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21st- I hate Doctors!

I had my first doctor's appointment to start the many today in Princeton. I think I posted before that for some reason all the doctors in the cities think my doctor is incompetent, nevermind she has gotten me this far in my pregnancy just fine. So I had to see a new doctor today, whom I'm not impressed with and may just go back to my original doctor despite their recommendations. So he asked me for a background on what has been going on and I filled him in. He then went on to say "Well looks like we are just counting down the days now huh? Just remember everyday they are in you counts for something!" Counting down the days?!?!?! I'm still on weeks bub! If I had his attitude and all the stupid doctors I've seen lately I would have delivered 2 weeks ago and would probably be childless! Then he pointed out he would be my doctor and monitor my blood pressure and labs but I shouldn't plan on him delivering the girls because there is no way I will make it long enough that they could stay in Princeton. That if I start having problems I should just beeline for the cities because all Princeton will do is put me on a helicopter for the cities. Again, thanks for nothing! Plus pre-term labor isn't my problem, which would be the only reason I would rush to any hospital like that. I've probably spent 40 hours hooked up to a contraction monitor the last 2 weeks and never once had a contraction!  I asked if by some miracle I make it to 36 weeks I was told I could deliver in Princeton and he wouldn't even answer, because he doesn't think it is possible for me to make it that far! I'm so mad! I get I'm in a serious situation, but if it was that serious that we are counting down days, why would they have sent me home?! Not to mention last I checked their dopplers were fairly normal, and they were thinking I might not have preeclampsia. So what makes them think I'm delivering anyday? Its just so frustrating. I could really use some optimism ya know? I've seen so many medical miracles in my lifetime and not that I expect to be one, but we already are, we made it 2 weeks further than they ever thought we would, and we're just getting started! Give us credit for that much at least!

Anyways, that's about all I have for today, just really disappointed in everyone's outlook. I'm trying to keep my head high but it gets harder and harder, especially when you have everyone else trying to drag you down. I hope we are still in everyone's prayers, we still aren't clear. I appreciate it beyond words, thank you and God bless!

Love- Heather, Jim, Anabell, and Isabell

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